Nick Carter - Meet & Greet VIP Upgrade


· Access To Nick's Pre-Show Meet & Greet
· One Individual Photo Opportunity With Nick
· Access To Nick's Pre-Show Soundcheck
· Access to Nick's Pre-Show Q&A

Nick Carter - Soundcheck VIP Upgrade


· Access To Nick's Pre-Show Soundcheck
· Access to Nick's Pre-Show Q&A

VIP Purchasers will receive an email with check-in details 24-48 hours prior to your event.
If you do not receive an email, you can find the check-in details HERE.

Nick Carter Who I Am Tour VIP Packages (2/24/25 @ Sabah, Malaysia)

3 116 kr

***Upgrade does not include a ticket to the show. You must have a ticket to the show in addition to the upgrade to participate. ***

Ticket: Nick Carter - Meet & Greet VIP Experience

Nick Carter - Meet & Greet VIP Experience
Nick Carter - Meet & Greet VIP Experience
Nick Carter - Soundcheck VIP Upgrade - DOES NOT INCLUDE MEET & GREET OR PHOTO